DIY projects

Long Sleeve to 3/4 Tee Refashion


Being a 'get in there and do it' sort of person, 
I have often found myself pulling up my long 
sleeves before I get into something. 
I end up with stretched sleeves 
and wrinkles at my elbows.

To help solve this problem, and not get too cold by
 wearing a short sleeve shirt, I adopted the 
3/4 tee into my wardrobe. 
They are brilliant solution for everyday get it done wear, 
as well as looking a little dressier for special occasions. 
I have found I wear 3/4 tees more and more these days and therefore decided to refashion some of my
 long sleeves to 3/4 tee's.

So today for my blog post I'm happy to present 
the long sleeve tee to 3/4 tee Refashion Tutorial.

What You Will Need:

Long Sleeve Tee
Measuring Tape/Ruler
Scissors/Pinking Sheers
(Extra: 3/4 tee to use as a guide, if you have one)

Take your long sleeve and lay it down flat, 
Try and get all the wrinkles out of it.

Fold it in half long ways so both sleeves meet.
 (Sleeve on top of sleeve)

Once again make sure everything is smoothed out and that both sleeves fit perfectly on top of each other. When you cut them together later on you want both sleeves to be the same length.

If you have a 3/4 tee already that you like the length of, fold it in half also and place it on top of your folded long sleeve as a guide. Make sure the armpit and top of the shoulder are in the 
same place on both tees. If you don't have a 3/4 
tee to use as a guide, just skip this step.

Take your measuring tape/ruler and measure from the end of the long sleeve to the end of your 3/4 tee sleeve, or to the length of 3/4 sleeve you would like to have. Now take away a few centimetres to allow for a double folded hem. 
(See Picture below)

Take your scissors/pinking sheers and cut along your pinned line.

Turn your new 3/4 tee inside out and fold about a centimetre up and then fold the same up again creating a hem.

Pin your hem line in place and finish it off by sewing a line of straight stitch on your sewing machine to to create a new hemmed finish to your sleeve or you could hand sew to finish it instead.

And there you have it, you've turned an 
long sleeve tee into a 3/4 tee. 
It's really easy and I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. 
Go and have fun with this idea and 
I hope you find 3/4's just as great to wear as I do.

God Bless,

Modest Refashions, DIY projects, frugal living, sewing, fashion, home maker, craft, home steading, 

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