Aspiring Daughter

Recapturing Godzgear Highlights of 2014


2014 Has been a Blessed and Exciting year for me here at Godzgear Blog.I have enjoyed sharing with you some of the exciting discoveries and tips that I have learnt throughout this year and I hope and pray that 2014 has been a year of rejoicing for you also and that my blog post's have blessed and helped you in some way. So, as my final blog post for 2014 here's some of the highlights of this last years posts.

I share with you how I transformed a 
summer dress into a gorgeous modest skirt!.

My Oma share's the tips and trick 
she has learnt as a Quilter.

Got a favourite pair of shorts that are a little on the short side? check out this post and see how 
I modestly refashioned mine!.

An article challenging us to Glorify God with not 
only our heart's but Appearance as well

Step by step instructions on how I made some 
cute vintage headband's in no time at all.

This healthy hot chocolate recipe is not only great 
because it's sugar free but it tastes delicious.

Join a Christian woman on her journey as she look's
 at Christian Romance Fiction and it's side affects.

I am no photography expert but I do know that capturing a moment in time on camera is something special and I want to share with you what I've learnt about photography along the way.

Step by step tutorial on how I made a
 rustic fruit crate wall art mater piece.

Thank you all for being apart of this wonderful Year our Lord has Blessed us with.

Wall art, Quilting, Modesty, DIY, Photography, Christian Fiction, Modest Refashions, Sewing, Sawing Denim, Skirt into Dress Tutorials, Hot Chocolate Recipe

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