Aspiring Daughter

Letter From A Daughter's Heart


To my dearest Mother & Mummy,
I praise my Lord and Saviour for such a great blessing 
as you in my life.
You have cared for and tenderly helped me 
grow into the young woman that I now am.
I remember the nights you stayed up when I was sick, 
the songs you sang to me when
I could not sleep and the warm arms that comforted 
me when I was teary.

But more than these, and many more, you have blessed me in a greater way. In you I have seen a true woman of God.

You have shown me how to love and serve the Lord Jesus and taught me of His love and salvation for me from when I was little.
You serve our family with gentleness and humility,
you are a Godly Wife and Mother.

Thank you Lord Jesus for my beautiful Mother, 
oh what a treasure for me.
May I learn all that you Lord have called me to learn 
from and through her life of Love

From a Daughter

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