Frugal Living

The Dress Skirt Refashion


Have you ever thought about turning astrapless dress into a skirt? Well I have! It all started when I went op shopping the other day and found this this elastic topped strapless dress. I don’t wear strapless dresses but the fabric was so nice that it got me thinking that maybe I could make it into a lovely long maxi skirt.
My skirt turned out so well that I wanted to share how I have done it with you!

Step 1.
First you will need to check for and remove any non-slip, see-through elastic tape from the top of the dress. You can remove this with a quick un-pick quite easily, just be careful that you don’t cut any other treads of the fabric.

Step 2.

Try your skirt on and decide where you want the top of the skirt to sit and mark it

with a pin. Once you have marked it take it off and measure to the pin.

Add another 2 cm's to your measurement for the seam allowance and then measure and pin all the way around the skirt. Cut along the now pinned line. (NOTE: if there are lines in the fabric make sure you use them to help you get nice straight lines).

Step 3.

Now we will work on taking up the bottom of the skirt.

Have a good guess at how much you think that you will need to take off and mark

the length with a pin. Measure and pin all the way around the skirt and pin up the extra fabric so you can get a good idea of what it will look like. Try it on and check if it is the right length.(NOTE: mine was not the right length the first time so I measured and pinned it again until I got the right length).

Step 4.

When you have the right length add another 2 cm's for the seam allowance and then cut on your pinned line.

Once you have cut off the extra fabric make a new hem for the skirt at it’s new length. To hem simply fold about 1 cm up from the bottom of the skirt and then fold it over again ensuring that you no longer have a cut edge showing. (NOTE: if you have an iron handy you can iron your new hem to help keep it in place for sewing). Once you have made your hem on the bottom and pinned it to hold it, repeat this and hem along the top of your skirt too!

Step 5.

Now that you have them both all hemmed and pinned it’s time to sew them.

For the top of the skirt I used a Zig Zag stitch,( NOTE: I used the Zig Zag stitch so that I would
have stretch in the stitching and Still be able to simply pull the skirt on and off, you could also use a Over-locker.) For the bottom hem I used a regular straight stitch, you could use just about any stitch here but I liked the look of the straight stitch.

Well now you have a beautiful maxi skirt that’s made just for you!
From here on I went on to sew a petticoat into my new skirt!

God Bless

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