DIY projects

Gorgeous DIY Egg Carton Roses Lamp Shade


I was on the Internet the other day having fun
 searching for cool DIY ideas. 
As I was searching I stumbled across a picture of a gorgeous looking rose that was made completely out of an egg carton!.
 I loved the look of it so much that I got to thinking
and set to working and this blog post tutorial is the result. 
I hope you love it as much as I do.

I turned an old plain lamp shade into a stunning

feature that I now have in my entry way!

What you will need:

Egg Cartons
( if you use all the same brand of eggs then your cartons will all be the same and you don’t have to paint it if you like the natural look better!)

An old lamp shade

Hot glue gun
( you can use some other types of glue but hot glue sets faster so your not sitting there as long)

Some Paint 
( a spray can is easier but pot paint will do the job too)

1.First off you will need to paint your lamp shade your desired colour, you can do this either by spraying it or painting by brush. If your lamp shade is the right colour already that’s a bonus and you can skip this step.

2.While your paint is drying it’s roses time. Have a look at the picture below because this is what they will end up looking like

Grab your egg carton and tear off the lid, once the lid is off, tear all the egg cups apart so you are left with individual egg cups

3. Now carefully neaten up your egg cups and tear off the long bits so all the edges are even. Try and keep the sides of the egg cup as high as possible so you will have a bigger flower.

4.Tear down the sides of your egg cup making four petals 
(see picture)

5.It takes two egg cups to make one flower. With the second egg cup once you have made the petals squish it a little with your fingers so it’s smaller then the other one, this one will go inside the other egg cup.

6.From here grab the lid of your egg carton and tear off an 8-10 cm strip.Once you have your strip peel away a layer of cardboard so it’s a little thinner and easier to use.

7.Now roll your strip up like you would a sleeping bag or swag

Now loosen your hold a little bit so it unwinds a smiggin, this helps it fill the egg cups better.

8.Grab your hot glue gun or glue and put a small amount into your larger egg cup and glue your small one inside.

Try and glue your two egg cups so that your petals are 
not in the same place.

Now take your glue and glue an X shape on the bottom of your rolled up strip of cardboard and glue it into 
the centre of your egg cups.

Your strip may unroll a little while the glue hardens but that gives each one an individual look that real flowers have.

Repeat all these steps until you think you have enough flowers to cover your lamp shade.

9.Grab your now dry lamp shade and your hot glue gun. Put some glue on the bottom of your rose and place it onto your lamp. Do this until you have completely covered your lamps shade and it looks good to your eye.

10.Now simply take your pretty lamp shade outside and give it a good spray of paint or grab a small paint brush and paint your roses.

There you have a gorgeous lamp shade that really is a master piece and you've made it with basic bi-products that you can find in just about any house!

I hope you enjoy giving this a go. Don’t be restrained by only doing a lamp shade, You could rose a photo frame or mirror, your options are only limited by your imagination.

God Bless,
Written By Anita

DIY, Lamp Shade, Home Decor, Country Decor, Frugal Living, Farm Stead, Renovation, Money Saving, home making, home keeping, Do it your self, decoration, 

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