Frugal Living

Warm and Spicy Hot Chocolate Recipe


The fire is on and it's raining outside, today is a 
great day for snuggling up inside with a 
steaming, warm and spicy Hot Chocolate!.

Didn't that paragraph sound soooo delicious. 
Today I want to share with you my Updated No Sugar, 
All Natural and Healthy Hot Chocolate 
Recipe that warms you up from the inside out!.

This new and updated Hot Chocolate Recipe is 
for the brave, those of us who like
a little extra warmth and spice. 

What You'll Need:

Cocoa Powder
(Not hot chocolate mix, just plain old cooking cocoa)
Raw Honey
(the closer to the cow and more unprocessed the better)
Cinnamon Powder
Cayenne Pepper Powder
Boiling Water

Put your kettle on the boil and grab all your ingredients.
Add 1 heaped teaspoon of Cocoa Powder, 
1/4 teaspoon Cinnamon powder
1 heaped teaspoon of Raw Honey 
and a tiny bit of Cayenne Pepper
 (start small, you don't want your hot 
chocolate to be undrinkable) to your favourite mug.
Pour in your boiled water and mix well. 
Add a touch of milk and enjoy.

This recipe may sound a little strange and you might
 wonder why we add strange ingredients like
Cinnamon and Cayenne Pepper. 
Well  not only does this recipe deliciously warm you up
 and taste delightful, but it has some great health benefits.
 Like most things in life this recipe has a story behind it.
 Next week I am going to share with you the great health
 benefits of both Cayenne Pepper and Cinnamon 
so make sure you pop back then to check it out.

I hope you grow to enjoy this warming, delicious and
 healthy Hot Chocolate Recipe as much as my family has.

God Bless,
Written By Anita

HOme remedies, Frugal Living, Natural living, natural health, healthy food, healthy recipes, organic lifestyle, recipe, food, baking, cooking, drinks, health food, farm steading, home steading, money saving, home making, house keeping, chemical free

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  1. I do enjoy a hot chocolate with marshmallows. I will try cayenne pepper and cinnamon for something different.

  2. Sounds delicious ladies! Thank you for sharing this on the Art of Home-Making Mondays at Strangers & Pilgrims on Earth! :)



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