DIY projects

Stencil Décor Inspiration and How To


As you probably have figured out by now through the different DIY blog posts that I post here at Godzgeargirls blog , I love clean cut country décor with a touch of rustic charm. I enjoy the challenge of taking something that was useless and turning it into something charmingly stylish and useful.

Today I want to share with you my great love for stencils. Stencils are an easy and very cost effective way to create a certain feel in a room , turn a bleak looking piece of furniture into something unique.

I have used stencils in so many ways. I’ve created wall art with my favourite verses, turned different bits of furniture into something special and made signs for around the farm. Making your own Stencils is not at all hard nor complicated. In fact, not only can you save money making your own but you can create your very own designs and get exactly what you like.

All you need to create your own stencils is:

  • A printer to print out your design. You don’t need to flip your text or image just print it out as you want it in the final product.

  • A scalpel for trace and cut out your stencil. When you cut out your stencil just make sure you keep the centres of letters ect. Using blue tack, stick these to your project so your font looks good when you're done.

If you want to reuse your stencil for other projects, I recommend you cover your design in contact paper before you cut it out. This way your paper stencil doesn’t fall apart, being continually soaked with paint.

Paint Tip: When painting stencils try and use a drier paint. You don’t want the paint to run or smudge under the stencil. I always apply my paint with a sponge.  I make sure that it’s not too soaked with paint though, because I want be able to dab that paint on and not have it run everywhere.

When your stencil's ready, use blue tack to stick it in place so it doesn’t move while you're painting.

There you have it. Stencils are not hard to make or use. They do take some patience while you're cutting them out but are worth the effort. Making your own stencils is a great skill for doing up your house on a budget or for creating your own unique home décor. If you need more inspiration pop over to my DIY Wall Art Tutorial!.

P.S. I will share with you a little piece of news. Recently I made the leap and invested in a Cutter machine, the Silhouette Cameo. This cutting machine hooks up to my computer and I can program it to cut out my stencils for me! It’s very exciting and so far I am very happy with it. It has taken my time and patience to learn how to best use it but no victory comes without effort. 

God Bless,

DIY, Homemaking, homesteading, farming, hobby farm, stencils, how to make stencils, furniture remodelling, refashioning, rustic decor, country decor, painting, tutorials, how to's, wood work, frugal living, remodelling on a budget, more to save money doing up your house, Revamping, handy tips and tricks

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