Aspiring Daughter

I have discovered something about honour and love


A husband can never earn honour from his wife, it has to be something freely given by the wife, by her choice and only with God’s enabling. Honour is not a thing, a noun, but an action. A wife must make a conscious choice to honour her husband daily, through her actions and speech, seeking God on how to do this.

A wife can never earn her husband’s love, it has to be freely given by the husband, by his choice and only with God’s enabling. Love is not a thing, a noun, but an action. A husband must make a conscious choice to love his wife each day through his actions and speech, seeking God on how to do this.

Just as our relationship to God is a daily choice and work, so is our relationship to each other. God is our no. 1 relationship which needs to be healthy in order for our no.2 relationship to work. Our no.2 relationship is the husband/wife relationship. If this relationship is sick, so will the rest of the family be sick. 

The greatest gift parents can give to their children, is for the Dad to love their Mum, and for the Mum to honour their Dad. This commitment is not in word but in deed. It is not humanly possible and can only be done with the direction and enabling of their Heavenly Father.

Real love can never be earned, it is freely given. We can never earn God’s love, He gives it by His choice. God commands a husband to love his wife unconditionally, like the way He loves us.

Real honour can never be earned, it is God appointed. A husband can never earn such honour and he doesn’t have to. God has commanded the wife to honour her husband because He has made the position of husband to be over the wife.

This is all part of God’s wonderful design and order. It is such a blessed life to be able to function within this design and see God at work in the family unit.

We combat so many lies in this world, concerning submission ( honour) and love. Don’t even focus on any information other than what God is teaching us in His word. You will only detect the lie when you know the truth and when you live in the truth there is no room for the lie.

Written By Guest Blogger
Mrs Evelyn Hair
(Our Precious Mother)

Raising godly children, honour and love, respect, marriage, parents love, being a godly mother, being a godly father, a fathers love, a mothers love, family relationships, godly families, raising Christian children, serving your partner, serving your spouse, loving your husband, loving your wife, honouring your husband, family roles, god's design for family, women's submission, the issue of submission

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  1. Thanks to your mom for a great reminder!

    1. Thank you so much, I will pass your comment on to her...Anita



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