Aspiring Daughter

A Peek Into My Hope Chest Part 4 ~ Chinaware


Hi everyone

Today I am back with the fourth part of my 'Peek Into My Hope Chest' series and this post will be looking at the chinaware that I have collected for my Hope Chest.

If you missed the first other posts in the series, you can go back and read them first if you wish.

A Peek Into My Hope Chest Part 1 ~ Kitchen Items

This set is one of my more recent additions that I got from a car boot sale that my sister and I happened to see as we were driving along on our way to meeting we had. We had some time to spare, so we stopped and were able to find some real treasures, this set being one of them. Blue and white are some of my favourite colours when it comes to china, so this was a nice find.

These cups were actually bought as two different sets from op shops (thrift stores) on opposite sides of the country. The first set I found at my local op shop for a couple of dollars and the second set I found when I was on a family holiday in another state in an op shop that we happened to drop into, also for a couple of dollars. I love the fact that they are a nice balance between being really feminine and plain. I don't mind if one of them breaks when I'm using it and they work out really well if I want to offer a tea cup to someone who is not really into 'girly' things. These cups can also make a great gift for a friend to go along with some of my yummy tea mixes. 

The white plates actually came along with the blue and white set at the beginning, they just happened to be in the box when I bought the set. The pink and green rose set was a birthday present from a friend that knew that I have a hope chest and that I enjoy beautiful chinaware. The jug is especially beautiful.

Most of these blue and white chinaware items were bought when I was in Europe on holidays once and I had the opportunity to spend some time going to various local secondhand stores. Antique chinaware is so much more prevalent there and there were full sets of antique china in every shop that I went to, if not three or four sets. Although the sets were very well priced, due to weight and financial restrictions, I was only able to take home a few lovely pieces. The teapot is probably my favourite in this lot. I like the medium sized plates, as they work really well for serving afternoon teas or snacks on.

I love the idea of having lots of different teacups combined to make an eclectic sort of 'homespun' set. I was inspired by my grandmother, who kept a little collection of all different teacups that she used to let us use when we came to visit. Each teacup was different and each had a story to go with it. Well, every grandmother with teacups has to have gotten them at some time, so I guess I am getting a head start. These are the stories. The blue teacup and the red teacup at the back left, were ones that I brought home from Europe with me. The teacup with the pink rose at the back was the first teacup that I ever owned, a modern little 'made in china' version. The blue teacup at the back right and the red one at the front right were also brought home from Europe. The two floral teacups at the center front were gifts from my grandmother, passed down from her collection. They are some of my very favourites. The blue floral teacup at the front left was a birthday gift from good family friends. I love the colour and design of this teacup and it it probably one of the ones that I use the most.

The little crystal milk jug was gotten at a local market that happens monthly in our area. It was actually the result of a trade that we did with another stall holder who wanted to have one of the items we were selling. I think we both got a good swap. The silver plated sugar bowl was one that I found in the back of my mothers cupboard while tidying up one day. I polished it up and she gave it to me to add to my collection.

There are a few chinaware items in my hope chest that are not included in this post due to various reasons such as living in the kitchen rather than my actual chest or I just didn't get a chance to photograph the items before making this post.

So there you have it, another peek into my hope chest! 

Until next time,

If you would like to find out more about what a hope chest is, why to have one and how to start one, my ebook 'The Hope Chest List' answers all these questions and more. 

‘The Hope Chest List‘ explains the purpose of the hope chest in the past historically, but also emphasises its relevance in the present and future. It inspires the young woman to think about the future but practice for it in the present. The ideas presented in this book have been carefully collected over time and are now available to inspire any young lady to be wise, resourceful and creative. Most of all, the young woman is encouraged in Godliness. 

This book includes lists of items for the hope chest and lists of skills that a young lady might want to acquire. There are some great bonus extras that provide a great read and useful tips.

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