Frugal Living

Suger FREE Hot Chocolate


This Blog Post is going to be a little different. 
I want to share with you
my favourite Sugar Free hot drink recipe.

This yummy recipe is the perfect companion for the 
chilly spring mornings and nights.

All you need is:

Cooking Cocoa Powder
(Not drinking chocolate)

Raw Honey


Hot Water

A hint of Chilly powder to get the blood going 

And Vanilla if you like the flavour

Simply put a nice sized teaspoon of cocoa in a cup, add some honey (I use a full teaspoon, but add it to your liking). Fill your cup 3/4 with hot water and dissolve the honey and cocoa. When they are mixed well fill up the rest of the cup with milk.

There you have it, a yummy treat to warm you up on the inside that’s Sugar Free. If you like love this recipe make sure you check out my New and Updated Recipe Too!.

God Bless,
Recipe by Anita Hair

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